Congratulations Oliver Kenyon and Maxbounty

I want to personally congratulate k from CPA Fix  and also max bounty on conducting a successful Giveaway contest in which affiliates are rewarded cash prizes. I highly appreciate Oliver Kenyon he has done something which no one else has done before, I mean contests are a common thing among all the networks but  sadly they are only good for big dogs  and for new people who are just starting out ,No one even thinks about them . As my blog mainly focuses on Newbies who are just starting out with CPA Marketing i would like to thank you guys for such a great contest , No Matter who wins cash its your spirit to help out new people which counts , Thank you very much Oliver Kenyon and MaxBounty you have done something which no one else has done yet !

And finally i would like to congratulate paulwjenkins  for winning third place ! Second and first prize are yet to be announced .

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