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Why your PPV traffic doesn`t convert

Hey guys i have came up with a few important questions you should ask from yourself if your are not seeing any success in PPV traffic . Basically making a campaign is all about  learning from your mistakes and correcting them .

Here are the few questions you should ask yourself when finding out whats wrong with your campaign.

  • Do you think you have chosen targets which are related to your offer?
  • Are you using proper tracking solution  to track your traffic ? ( see here for more details )
  • Are you getting enough CTR on your PPV landers ?
  • Are your Choose targets capable enough to send you almost 100 views a day each ?
  • Have you done maths , Do you know how much you should spend on testing your landing pages and targets ?
  • Based on Network E.P.C After how many clicks your offer should convert ?
  • Is your network reliable ? Tried rotating your offers?
  • Are you split testing your landing pages and also direct linking to offer?
  • Is there any reason should a visitor fill up your offer? lets say you are a visitor will you fill up offer?
  • Are you monitoring all data you have collected on your tracker (best time,best day ,best targets etc.. ) ?

I hope this small post will help you to make big bugs out there on PPV traffic.


Let me know your thoughts by posting comments below 🙂





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