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The Essential Formulas to Write Persuasive Article

Writing persuasive article is essential for your online business. Without the ability to write article that attracts readers’ interest to take action, you can’t make money online. Why? That’s because copywriting is the heart of your success in online business. Without it, your business will fail. Of course, you can outsource the whole process of writing persuasive article, but it will cost you at least $15 per article if you really give the task to a professional copywriter. But, isn’t it good for you to learn a thing or two about writing persuasive article so that you can minimize the cost of your business? Here are 5 essential formulas to write persuasive article:

The Story Element

You need to insert a story element inside your article so that your readers can relate your article with their situation. This is actually the sole purpose of adding a story element to your article. When you have a story inside your article, you can stir your reader’s curiosity quite easily. The story itself doesn’t need to be your own story, although it is good for you to add your own story into your article. However, one point that you need to understand is that you have to be able to entertain your readers with your story if you want to get the best result from your article. The more interesting your story, the more persuasive your article will be.

Why? Why? Why?

When you write an article, you have to write it in order to help your readers solve their problem. If you are able to help them solve their problem, they will follow your advice. When you help your readers, it is better to state the reason why your tips or advice is good for them. That’s because explaining the reason behind your tips or advice will trigger the mind of your readers to believe the accuracy of your advice. This will help you to increase your trust factor. When your readers trust you, they will trust your recommendation, which means that they will become more motivated to act on your advice.

Simple And Easily Digested Information

For example, if your readers are looking for tips regarding how to quickly lose their weight, will they read your article if it has 3000 words? Most people don’t have much time to read long articles. They’d rather read short or medium length articles rather than long ones because it is easier for them to learn one tip at a time rather than 10 tips at a time. So, when you write your article, you have to be sure that you’re giving simple and easy information so that your readers can happily read your article from start to end. A 500-word article with simple and easy information is better than a 3000-word essay with complicated and difficult-to-understand information.

The “Aha” Factor

You should make the information inside your article simple enough for your readers to digest, but there is still one more thing that you need to add into your article. You need to add the “aha” factor into your article. So, your aim in sharing your information should be to trigger the “aha” moment in your reader’s mind. You have to make them say (in their mind): “So, this is what I should do to tackle my problem. Wow, it’s as simple as that! I’ll definitely try this.” Trigger this “aha” moment in your reader’s mind and make them feel “enlightened” with your information. This will further increase your trust factor.

Call To Action

Finally, if you follow the tips above, you’ll have a strong article that will fascinate your readers and make them feel enthusiastic toward taking action. The only step left for you is to create call to action so that they actually take action immediately. Of course, your call to action should be an invitation to visit your website or landing page. Moreover, it should make them want to learn more from you.

Those are the ultimate formula to write persuasive article for your online business. If you can make your article more persuasive, it will be able to improve your conversion rate and generate more sales for your promotion.

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