5 Headline Mistakes that Will Kill Your Landing Page Conversion

Most people make mistakes when they write headline for their landing page. And these mistakes will cost them their time and investment. Why? That’s because by simply creating a bad headline, you won’t be able to convert your traffic into sales effectively. In this way, you’re wasting your effort in generating traffic to this landing page. Moreover, if you are using paid traffic, then it means that you are wasting your investment. Here are 5 headline mistakes that will kill your landing page conversion:

1. Using Old Swipe File.

While it is helpful to use old swipe file to boost your inspiration in writing headline, it is not helpful for you to just change few words from your swipe file and make it your own headline. Remember, no matter how successful the headline in the swipe file, it is only successful because the copywriter knew his or her target market at the time. You can’t use the same old technique because your target market will be different. For instance, the old headline “Do you make these mistakes in English” is probably only effective for specific target market, such as those who are seeking to learn English. If you use the same headline structure as this for your weight loss niche, it won’t give you any impressive result.

2. Not Focusing On The Problem Of Your Target Market.

The target market that you’re focusing on have problem that they want to solve immediately. Your landing page headline should be able to address your audience’s problem. Don’t just focus on the solution. You have to address the problem of your target market because this is the way you’ll attract their attention. Before you tell them the solution, you have to tell them their problem. It’s not the other way around.

3. Vague Headline.

Your headline has to be clear and properly directed to your target market. Who are the people who read your headline? What are they frustrated about? What do they want from you? What do they need right now? Headline that is vague will only deliver vague result for you. It means that you can’t really assess what you’ll get from your headline. Moreover, you might attract the wrong type of audience, other than what you intend to attract. So, be clear in your headline and make it speak to your audience.

4. Not Using Pre-Headline And Sub-Headline.

Pre-headline means little sentence or headline before the main headline. Usually, it is written in smaller font. This is an example of pre-headline: “Attention! If you’re suffering from insomnia, this is perhaps the best letter you’ll ever read…” And then you will go to the main headline. After the main headline, you will add more descriptive headline called sub-headline below your main headline. Pre-headline and sub-headline are important and they can add more power to your headline. So, instead of just writing your main headline, you have to add pre-headline and sub-headline as well.

5. Using Hype Just To Get Attention

Most people think that hype will help them to increase their conversion rate. But, this is wrong. Hype is perhaps equivalent with a lie, so it will just attract attention initially. Once your readers know that it is just hype, they will turn to distrust you. For instance, if you claim that your software can generate $1000 instantly in just 3 clicks, then you are definitely throwing hype to your audience. Your audience might initially believe this hype, but they soon will realize that your offer is impractical and impossible for them. So, it is not a wise step to use hype just to get attention from your audience. Just be honest about what you offer to your audience.

Those are some headline mistakes that you keep making in your landing page. Note that if you neglect the mistakes above, you’ll not be able to get good conversion rate from your landing page. You have to fix the problem and eliminate your mistakes before expecting any change in your conversion rate.

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