Google Ads for Lead Generation How To Get Started With Google Search Advertising

Google Ads for Lead Generation: How To Get Started With Search Advertising

I have been running Lead generation in one of the most challenging financial niches in the UK for the last seven years. As most of you know, I do not choose to offer advice on topics I am not 100% confident I have insights about. This is what always kept me from writing about google ads on my blog. However, I have offered consulting and advice to many lead generation agencies in the past few months, and we produced some outstanding results. So I decided to finally start a Google Advertising For Lead Generation series on my blog, where I will write a little about my experience with google ads and how you can launch your lead generation campaigns. 

Before we start, I assume you already have chosen a lead generation niche and have buyers and lead distribution systems ready to accept and buy or process your leads. I am skipping these parts as they are vast topics I will try to cover after the series. If you need any help setting up things, you are always welcome to contact me or hire us to offer you consulting on starting a lead generation agency/business. 

So let’s start our first part. Today we will discuss how to get things ready for your campaigns. Landing pages, ads, etc. and things you need to work on before starting a campaign. 


customer research
Customer Research

You need to understand your own business first and create a business case if you don’t have created one already. This will help you understand the main points that will make your campaign convert and prepare ad copies and write copy for your lead generation page. 

What Is Your Motive? 

Before you want to start working on anything, you should put yourself in the customer’s shoes and ask yourself why they would give you their information? Why would they become your lead?

Why does your business exist? Who are you, and how do you solve a customer’s problem? 

What is your Value Proposition?

 How are you going to deliver value to the customers? What is your statement of value? In short, what are you going to bring to the table? Do customers get any benefits going with you as compared to your competitors? 

For example, you could have a local call centre, Affiliated with recognized institutions, Offer face to face consultations etc.

What is your unique selling point? 

How are you different from your competitors? Why should customers choose you over your competitors? What’s unique about your service?

Do you offer free service? Do you have high acceptance rates? Or have a low-cost process and high profile reviews or testimonials? 

It would also help to look at your competitor ads and note what their USP and Value Proposition are and what the CTA, Headlines and call outs they are using. 

You will have to write your lead generation page copy and make different versions of your ad copy based on all the above information. 

Landing Pages


If we look at the customer journey stages, There are four major steps. 

  • Awareness
  • Consideration 
  • Decision 
  • Retention 
customer journey stages
Customer Journey Stages

When using Google Search Advertising, a user is most likely in the consideration stage. The user is already aware of the product/service or problem and is looking for the solution. 

Your copy must be simple and to the point in the consideration and decision stage. Highlight the customer’s pain points and offer solutions. Highlighting USP, Value Proposition mentioned in the previous section will help. 

To write your copy, here are a few tips you should follow: 

  • Use simple sentence structure, and don’t drag your sentences. 
  • Keep Sentences Short and sweet.
  • Use simple and easy to understand words.
  • Be straightforward and concise. Use simple words to describe what you’re trying to say.


In lead generation, one should remember that your purpose is to capture information, unlike other landing pages. Therefore, the best converting landing pages are where there are few distractions and are focused on generating results. 

  • All your theme colours must harmonize with your brand in your design. 
  • Your text and titles are easily readable. 
  • Users can differentiate between titles and paragraphs. 
  • Colours and Fonts are easy on the eye, and the text is easy to read.
  • Pay Special Attention To Call To Action Buttons. 
  • Use Power Words like Proven, Secure, Trustworthy, Deadline, Ends Soon, Quick Win, Growth Hack, Private Confidential, Invite Only, Untapped, No Obligation, Proven, Trustworthy, Safe, Money-Back.

Things To Remember

GTM Tags

Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager

If you don’t know about Google Tag Manager, GTM is a free service by Google that helps you manage all the tags and pixels in one place. Instead of installing a google analytics tag, Conversion tag, Facebook pixel etc., you can manage everything from one place within GTM. 

GTM will give you a code which you will have to install on the header and footer of every page on your website. Once installed, you do not need to make any more changes to your website, and you can add, remove, and edit scripts and tags within Google GTM. 


Understanding your audience behaviour, User experience, and page experience are necessary. Therefore, we need a robust analytics platform like Google Analytics ( I also use traffic trackers, but let’s leave that for another day). Google Analytics will help you optimize your landing page experience and increase your conversion rate by helping you understand user data. 

Conversion tracking

Conversion tracking is another important aspect and before you continue, make sure conversion tracking is working correctly to track all your conversions properly. (Our team can help if you need any help with the technical stuff. Just use our contact page to reach out)

UTM Tags

UTM tags help you track the performance of every ad, This helps you analyze your data on analytics, and you can filter out data based on campaign, ad group, keyword, Ad etc., using UTM tags.

So this was the first article about starting lead generation with Google Advertising and how to prepare your landing pages for your search campaigns. In the next article, we will discuss how you should structure and launch your campaigns and the essential aspects you should consider when launching your search advertising campaigns on google.  


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