Little Things…


Hey everybody!

Miss rocker here!!

So I’ve recently been greeting Total Quality Management(TQM)  and I thought I’d share my knowledge, because its something IMers forget at times!
Let me boggle your brain with Kaizens TQM related theory.
This theory was developed from the word Kaizen. Although TQM may not directly help you. But Kaizens concept may!
Kaizen is a way of thinking, working and behaving, embedded in the philosophy and values of an organisation, linking this to our marketing, let’s say business.
It was developed by Japanese industry in the 1950s and 60s, Kaizen means “improvement” in japanese. Improving everything that everyone does in every aspect of the business, in every department, every minute of every day.
It is an evolution rather than a revolution: continually making small, 1% improvements to 100 things is more effective, less disruptive and more sustainable than improving one thing by 100% when things get tough.
The theory concludes with stating that zero errors are allowed. The product should be right the first time, every time.
I hope you enjoyed that bite size theory! So next time you are working on something… Try and get it right the first time, motivate yourself and see the difference! Look at the little things rather than the bigger picture, and watch the bigger picture magically transform!
Hope to hear some good feedback!
I’m out!
Miss rocker ;]

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