Social Media & SEO – A Marketers Mystery

Many marketers spend a significant amount of time working on SEO and Social Media.  These are two essential marketing practices that can help bring in many new potential customers and take your business to the next level.  For most, these are two equally important efforts but they are entirely separate.

Social Media & SEO – A Marketers Mystery

Figuring out how and why SEO and Social Media are interlinked, however, could help you to really get the best out of both of these strategies.  In fact, there was an article on Entrepreneur recently that covered this specific topic quite nicely.  It is linked below and well worth the read for anyone who is involved with digital marketing in any way.  Before you do that, however, I’d like to pull out a few key insights from the article and touch on them briefly.

Social Media & SEO – What’s the Link?

One of the first things the article discusses is the relationship that exists between SEO and social media.  It really illustrates the fact that while almost everyone agrees that a good social media campaign can have positive benefits on SEO, it is impossible to figure out what the true link between the two is.  There is a lot of debate about whether it is the activity on the social media, the number of followers, how much traffic is sent or something else entirely.

While nobody knows how or why social media can help your website rank better (and anyone who claims to know with any level of certainty should be looked at with caution), there is no doubt that the two are linked somehow.  Fortunately, just knowing that there is a real link between the two is enough in most cases.  The article digs into some of the more developed theories out there, and they are worth reading to get a better understanding.

Do You Need all Social Media?

Another important point that the post hinted at but did not address directly is that you may not need an account on every social media site.  Sure, all businesses should have a Facebook account.  Most should have a Twitter account as well.  Whether or not you want to invest the time or money into getting an account on all the other options like Google+, Pinterest and others, however, is a matter of priorities.

If your site doesn’t naturally fit into an image focused social media page like Pinterest, for example, it is likely best to just skip over that one and invest your time else ware.  As with all marketing, you need to balance your limited resources, whether that is time or money, to get the best results.  As long as you are active on the social media platforms you are on, you’ll see the SEO results you want.

Take a minute to read through the full article on Entrepreneur and see what you think.  Post your comments below and let us know about your SEO & Social Media strategy.  You can read the full article on Entrepreneur HERE.

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