Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Greetings everyone!

We’ve all heard that India is a hub for affordable website traffic, but is this statement accurate? Let’s examine the facts.

A significant proportion (85%) of India’s population utilizes mobile devices, primarily those running on the Android operating system, to access the internet.

What does this imply for us? Well, Android phones tend to accumulate unnecessary files that must be deleted to improve device performance. This makes India an ideal location to promote cleanup applications that help to free up space and eliminate junk files on smartphones.

In this article, we’ll evaluate the results of a 2023 India GEO test. Let’s dive in!

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Choosing the offer

Our initial focus will be on the CPI APK offer Firewall APK, which we’ll present as a cleanup app through Adsterra CPA. The APK file includes a tool that safeguards phones against viruses and eliminates unnecessary files, as well as displaying advertisements.

Check out the prelander’s appearance below:

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

This offer is particularly advantageous for Tier-3 GEOs, where the intended audience may have greater confidence in such apps and may not be familiar with technical jargon like “Firewall” or similar expressions.

Payout: IN — $0.02/CPI.


We are planning to conduct a test of various creative options for APKs targeted towards India, using a masking technique to present the APKs as a cleanup app in order to boost conversions. Initially, we will be testing different creatives and strategies, as well as two languages for the creatives. The reason for this is that India has two official languages: Hindi and English, and we want to determine which language will yield better results during our testing phase. We will be running two separate campaigns, each with a different language, and monitoring the click-through rate (CTR) of the creatives to determine which campaign performs better.

In a campaign of this nature, it is crucial to focus on your affiliate program’s targeting for the offer. While this offer is designed to encourage scaling on mobile phones and tablets, it is limited to Android versions 4.0 through 11.0. This limitation is due to older operating systems and phones being unable to run the APKs we plan to use.

To identify the best combination of creative options, we will be conducting an A/B test. We will be using the Social Bar CPC at a bid of $0.001 per click to carry out these tests. India’s GEO has a small bid, but provides a high amount of relevant traffic for your budget. Our previous experiences indicate that offers with a simple flow, such as CPI, CPL, or CPR, have a high potential for success.

Test №1 English

  1. To start, we will begin by testing the campaign in English. Here are a few steps to follow:
  2. Establish your targeting. While adhering to the offer description from your affiliate program, utilize the broadest possible targets.
  3. Employ spy tools to observe the typical creatives used for your offer.
  4. Be sure to inquire with your affiliate program manager regarding the profitability of the offer. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you might suffer negative ROI and losses, regardless of the outcome.
  5. If you have prior experience working with India on a similar offer, make use of the data you have collected to your advantage. If you are aware of any placements that do not convert well, add them to a blacklist right away. By rapidly eliminating non-converting placements, you will be able to begin generating profits more quickly.

In addition, we have provided some examples of Social Bar ads that you may find useful for your campaign:

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

It is important to keep in mind that images may be cut after processing, so it is advisable to center them. Additionally, it is essential to verify the translation’s accuracy. A poorly translated creative with numerous errors can have a significant negative impact on your CTR, resulting in the loss of a significant amount of traffic.

In the event that you do not wish to create your own creatives, you may use those that have already proven to be profitable. These can be found through the use of spy tools.

Test №2 Hindi

The sole distinction between the current test and the previous one is the language. In this instance, we are opting for Hindi. I have employed the same number of creatives with nearly identical designs. All in all, I have altered just one targeting option.

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)


Ensure that you meticulously assess the performance of all your placements and be prepared to add poorly performing ones to your blacklists. These tests are necessary to identify sources that may not convert well and end up wasting your money. It’s important to note that certain sources may perform better in Hindi, while others may do better when paired with English. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid using the same blacklist for both campaigns. Analyze test results thoroughly and exclude creatives/sources only when you understand why they may not be performing well.

Don’t forget to take advantage of your platform’s additional features. For instance, Custom Bid allows you to create a separate whitelist that can slightly increase payouts. This feature helps you spend your account funds wisely and prevents losses on non-converting creatives.

When conducting your A/B tests, track the performance of each creative you’re using. It’s essential to promptly exclude all non-performing creatives, which typically takes 5-7 days to see the difference. If both languages perform well, run two campaigns with equal funds allocated to them. You can adjust your budget allocation as the results start coming in.

Over time, you will need to start testing new creatives using separate campaigns to increase your CR/CTR without incurring significant losses on your primary campaign.

Post optimization

  • Mobile phones + tablets;
  • Android version 4.0 to 11.0 (exclude the versions that don’t perform well);
  • A bid of 0.001$ per click;
  • Exclude creatives that have low CTR and CR;
  • Start gathering a whitelist for launching a full-fledged campaign.


English-language creatives

A screenshot from the Adsterra CPA Network:

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Total Spent 200$

Total Revenue 305.6$

Net Profit 105.6$

ROI 152%

Hindi creatives

A screenshot from the Adsterra CPA Network:

Case study: How To Work With India Using Adsterra’s Social Bar (2023)

Total Spent 200$

Total Revenue 368.4$

Net Profit 168.4$

ROI 184%


Based on our research, it appears that both languages, when paired with high-quality creatives, have the potential to perform well. It’s crucial to conduct tests like these before launching a full campaign to determine the optimal language, test creatives, create black- and whitelists, and evaluate the offer’s potential conversion rate.

Keep in mind that Hindi is the primary language in some regions of India. To ensure a successful campaign, I recommend learning more about your target geographical area. A thorough understanding of the region can help you maximize profits and avoid losses. According to our data, there is a 30% difference in conversion rates, indicating that the native population finds Hindi more accessible and trustworthy when it comes to online advertising.

It’s better to invest $100 in a test and learn that an offer doesn’t convert well than to risk all of your funds and lose money. Be mindful of budget limits as there is a significant amount of traffic that can quickly deplete your account balance without your knowledge.

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